Donate to support research

Make a tax-deductible donation
To help us continue our promising projects, you can make a tax-deductible donation.
As a Belgian resident, you will recover 45% of the amount donated in the form of tax savings. So a donation of €1,000 really only costs you €550.
However, €1,000 will be allocated in full to the projects.

Include us in your will
If you’d prefer to leave an impact after you’re gone, you can continue to support our fight by including us in your will.
It’s a sensitive subject, and the tax implications can sometimes be advantageous for everyone, given that we are a recognised charitable foundation.

Shop online at
Did you know that you can shop online while supporting the Foundation and cancer research? And at no extra cost to you!
You can shop in Trooper-affiliated online stores that pay us a percentage of your purchase:,, Delhaize, La Redoute, A.S. Adventure, Dreamland, Coolblue, Farmaline… and some 1000 other stores!