To crush cancer, we, Venture Philanthropists, combine entrepreneurial spirit with selfless philanthropic commitment
Jérôme Majoie, CEO
The Fournier-Majoie Foundation in 3 figures
The Foundation has been working since 2007 to help researchers-finders come up with medical solutions that boost the chances of recovery of cancer patients. We support screening, identification and treatment projects.
9 000 000 +
The Foundation has given over 9 million Euros to selected projects so far. A development plan with key milestones is drawn up for each project. Funding tranches are released as each stage is cleared.
The Foundation has reviewed over 350 projects since it was established in 2007. 19 candidates have been chosen as laureates following a rigorous selection procedure and have received our backing in the shape of financial resources and managerial assistance.
About us
The Foundation was born out of Dr. Bernard Majoie‘s conviction that too many promising scientific research projects in the field of cancer did not reach the patient’s bedside due to a lack of financial support and adequate management.
For more than 35 years, Bernard Majoie devoted himself to the research and development activities of Laboratoires Fournier, which he took from a family business with 400 employees to a global laboratory employing more than 4,000 people.
On the strength of this success, he decided to “return the favour” by creating a Foundation in 2007 with part of his personal fortune. Its objective? To help researchers-finders who, like him, are faced with numerous challenges in expanding or improving the medical arsenal to fight cancer.
On the occasion of the Foundation’s 10th anniversary in 2017, Bernard Majoie passed the baton to his son Jérôme, to pursue his philanthropic work and to continue “Empowering entrepreneurs to crush cancer”.
Our founder passed away in December 2021, taken by cancer.
The team
A team consisting of Jérôme Majoie (Chairman and Managing Director), Frédéric Galland (Finance and Administration), Mathilde Jooris (Philanthropy) and Serge Schmitz (Fundraising and Communication Strategy) runs the Foundation’s day-to-day operations and draws upon the support of two experts and a Scientific and Investment Advisory Board.
Project leaders
These are people who come mainly from the world of university research and have successfully cleared the first stages of development of their projects. They have filed patents and have validated pre-clinical proofs of concept. Their entrepreneurial spirit has spurred them on to launch their own start-ups.
In 2017, on the occasion of the Foundation’s tenth anniversary, our founder Dr Bernard Majoie passed the torch of Chairman to his son, Jérôme Majoie. Another five people serve on the Board of Directors on a pro bono basis.
Focus on our project selection method
All submitted applications are reviewed and receive recommendations even if not selected. Eligible projects are reviewed based on 14 scientific, business and financial criteria. The Scientific and Investment Advisory Board invites the project leader to a hearing. If necessary, international experts conduct an additional review. Only validated projects are submitted for the Board of Directors to approve and determine what shape the investment will take (e.g. equity and convertible loans).

Embracing a new philanthropic approach to make a greater impact
The Foundation is built on the concept of Venture Philanthropy, which aspires to combine a philanthropic spirit and a flair for investment with a view to making a social impact.
Venture Philanthropy emerged in the United States in the 1990s and stands out for its charitable goals, its relatively long-term commitment and its ambition to maximise the results and, even more importantly, the impact of the projects it supports. Join the Circle of Venture Philanthropists against cancer: committed donors, sustained giving, and a real impact.
Submit your scientific project
Are you thinking of submitting your project to apply for support from the Foundation?
Click here to download the submission form.
or send us an e-mail at